The Corti API is designed to be highly flexible, allowing developers to build customized workflows that best suit their internal needs. While the following examples, Real-Time Workflow and Asynchronous Workflow, illustrate common use cases, they are just starting points. By leveraging the core concept of Interactions and the full range of our API collection, you can create tailored workflows that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and processes.

Real-Time Workflow

The Real-Time Workflow is designed for scenarios where immediate processing and feedback are essential during live interactions between medical practitioners and patients. This workflow leverages WebSocket connections to enable continuous streaming, real-time transcription, and dynamic updates throughout the interaction. It is ideal for situations where clinicians need to capture and act on information instantaneously, ensuring that all relevant data is processed and available in real-time.


  1. The workflow begins with the client application initiating an interaction. This is done by sending a POST request to the /interactions endpoint.
  2. The API responds with a unique interactionId and a WebSocket URL (wssUrl). The identifier will be used to manage the subsequent steps of the workflow.

Live Interaction

  • Optional Pre-Interaction Data: If the client has pre-existing information (known Facts) about the patient or session, these can be sent to /interactions/:id/facts before starting the live interaction.
  • Start the interaction: The client should PATCH to /interactions/:id changing the interaction state to “in-progress”
  • Opening the WebSocket Connection: The client establishes a real-time connection by opening a WebSocket using the provided wssUrl. This connection serves as the primary channel for transmitting and receiving data throughout the interaction.
  • Streaming and Configuration: Upon connection, the client should send configuration details to tailor the interaction. These configurations are committed via the WebSocket, which acknowledges them back to the client.
  • Continuous Data Flow: As the interaction progresses, the client sends audio packets through the WebSocket. In return, the API streams back transcripts in 3 to 20s intervals, and automatically generated Facts in 60s intervals.
  • During the interaction, the Client may need to introduce new facts based on the ongoing conversation. These are sent to /interactions/:id/facts, adding to the current interaction data.

Ending the Interaction

  • Once the live interaction is complete, the client sends an "end" message via the WebSocket, signalling the conclusion of the session.
  • The WebSocket then sends any final updates and the "ended" message formally closing the live interaction.
  • After the live session, the client can review and make final edits to the facts collected during the interaction.
  • These finalized Facts are then submitted through a POST request to /interactions/:id/documents, which generates the desired documentation, such as clinical notes or summaries, based on the provided data and a template.
  • The API processes this request and returns the completed document, ready for use or further review.
  • The client should PATCH to /interactions/:id changing the interaction state to “completed”

Asynchronous Workflow

The Asynchronous Workflow is designed for scenarios where real-time processing isn’t required, and the interaction can be processed after the fact. This workflow allows for the uploading, transcription, and documentation of recorded interactions, providing flexibility for situations where immediate processing is not feasible or necessary.

  1. The workflow begins with the client initiating an interaction by sending a POST request to the /interactions endpoint.
  2. The API responds with a unique id for the interaction and a WebSocket URL (wssUrl). The identifier will be used to manage the subsequent steps of the workflow.
  3. Once the interaction is initialized, the client uploads an audio file associated with that interaction by sending a POST request to /interactions/:id/recording.
  4. The API responds with a 200 status and returns a recordingId, confirming that the audio file has been successfully uploaded and linked to the interaction.
  5. After the recording is uploaded, the client initiates the transcription process by sending a POST request to /interactions/:id/transcripts .
  6. The API processes the audio and returns a 200 status with the generated transcript. This transcript contains the text version of the recorded interaction, extracted and formatted for review.
  7. Finally, the client creates the necessary documentation by sending a POST request to /interactions/:id/documents. This request includes the transcript generated in the previous step and a templateKey to specify the format of the output document.
  8. The API processes the request and returns a 200 status along with the final document, which is ready for use or further editing.

Read more details about working with templates and documents here