Medical Transcription

Convert speech to text for clinical conversations and dictation. Medical transcription allows you to transcribe in-person and virtual conversations with multiple participants, or directly dictate documentation.

→ Use the WebSocket Stream API for real-time transcription.

→ Use the Transcripts API for asynchronous audio transcription.

Live Note Taking

Capture every aspect of your interactions in real-time, extracting both structured and semi-structured data from conversations.

→ Use the WebSocket Stream API to retrieve real-time data, including:

  • Facts
  • Diagnosis codes


Generate structured medical documentation tailored to your desired structure and writing style. Any text input, such as transcripts or medical documents, can be used to create various types of documentation, including clinical notes, referral letters, and more.

Corti provides the flexibility to customize your output by defining a template for your medical documents.

→ Use the Documents API to generate documentation.

→ Use the Templates API to manage your organization’s templates.

Medical Coding

Predict medical codes from a variety of medical text inputs.

→ Use the Codes API to retrieve medical codes.